Hoppy Easter! I hope everyone had a fabulous Easter weekend. We did. We were able to go back home to Memphis and spend time with both of our families! Its so wonderful seeing them and visiting with everybody! We had a fun filled non-stop weekend. (There will be a few posts from this weekend) Hudson took his first trip to the zoo, so that post is coming! But for now here are some pics of Hudson's first Easter. My baby is growing up waaaaaaaay to fast! Enjoy!
Family Pic
Most Precious Easter Bunny I know:-)
The Easter Bunny was good to me, look at all my goodies!
Can you tell I was a happy kiddo?
My sweet cousin Aubrey! She calls me "Baby Huh-Son"
The Easter bunny stopped at Mimi and Poppie's house too! More Goodies! No, Im not rotten!